Thursday, April 7, 2011

before we're done here.. y'all be wearing gold-plated diapers

AM-I-RIGHT??? Hey everyone. Good news! Good news! Things are moving along quickly the last couple of weeks. I've been hard at work putting this album together. Bass and guitars are nearly done! YAH!! Anyways, I have a few photos of my workspace to share so you can see the environment that is required to create the best record of all time! We don't need no stinkin mood lighting! On my off days from work, I'm pretty much down here all day working. It gets lonely. Come visit.

First, like Dr. Frankenstein I gather my tools of creation, only instead of a monster I create gold records:

Thanks to Matthew Vermillion for lending me that sweet jazz bass!

My workdesk. Pretty simple, but gets the job done:

I recorded guitar and bass with this Avalon U-5. Jealous?? It is on loan from summit road recording studio. Thanks to Dave Sonner for hooking me up with that:

The key to a huge guitar sound is having a huge dude on top of your amp. I feel that Shaq is a really important part of my guitar sound:

As always, I am being seduced by the power of the dark side:

Well, I played the record for this dude and he loved it. Maybe that's a good sign:

Sometimes, we all need a playbreak, right?

Next week: GUITAR SOLOS. Yep, all 3 tunes have solos. Too much??? NAAAHHH!

As always, thanks for reading. If you are coming into this late, or missed them you can check out album teasers at Soundcloud.

More fun soon.
